Joel Firebaugh - “I am either OVERFLOWING or QUENCHING”
1 Thess. 5:19 says, “Do not quench the Spirit.”
PRAY: For the Spirit of God to fill us up to overflowing.
Dan Gregory - “The more I become like Jesus, the more I become aware of my sin.”
1 John 1:6 says, “If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.”
PRAY: For consistency in our walk with Jesus that leads to conviction.
Willie Robertson - “What am I known for?”
Acts 4 says people were astonished at the boldness of Peter and John because they were ordinary men but obviously had been with Jesus.
PRAY: That it would be obvious we have been with Jesus this week.
Kondo Simfukwe - “Jesus didn’t break out of the grave so I could try to figure it out myself”
In John 21, Peter went back to what he knew…fishing.
PRAY: That we would remember the resurrection of Jesus the next time we mess up. And that we would stop whining, eat some grace, and get back on track.
Deante Lavender - “What does a grape have to do to grow? Simply STAY CONNECTED!”
In John 15:4 Jesus says, “Abide in me, and I in you.”
PRAY: That we would do everything it takes to stay connected (commit to attending youth regularly, read Scripture, etc.)
Mark Clark - “The problem is I am sinful and I only think about myself.”
In Luke 15, Jesus uses the parable of 2 sons to show us 2 ways to be lost.
PRAY: That we would have our eyes open to others and REJOICE when they come to Jesus.
Eric Miller - “Peace WITH God leads to peace FROM God to learn the PACE of God”
In Matthew 11:28 Jesus says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
PRAY: That we would find REST in Jesus, even if we are busy.
Jeff Bogue - “We can’t sing of God’s greatness and never face our fears. We can’t be all talk.”
In Numbers 13-14, the Israelites forgot who God was and a generation was lost. Joshua’s generation believed and reached the Promised Land.
PRAY: That, even when it’s tough, we can face our fears because we have Jesus and Jesus gave us each other.