Vacation Bible School

The Incredible RacE

July 26th-30th • 6:15pm—8:30pm

Ages:  4yr olds (by July 26th)  through kids entering 5th grade.

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Kids entering 6th through 8th grade

A race. But not just any race. A race filled with fun clues to find. A race loaded with interesting challenges to attempt. A race around the world that’s a global scavenger hunt like you’ve never seen. At the same time, it’s about another race. A race that began at the garden of Eden and continues until this day. A race made up of all people from all time. What race? The human race.

As we move from continent to continent in The Incredible Race from Answers VBS, we’ll make stops at various times before, at, and after the hugely important tower of Babel incident and see how it matters greatly today.

Day 1 Before Babel—As the race starts, we explore the beginning of the human race and why nobody has run a perfect race through life.

Day 2 At Babel—On this leg of the race, we stop at the tower of Babel and check out the important and loving roadblock God provided there.

Day 3 After Babel—On leg three, we see how the human race developed into people groups with different languages, cultures, and physical features, but how we are still one race.

Day 4 Babel and the Gospel—On our fourth leg, we discover the need to yield our lives to God as he reaches out to all nations, tribes, and peoples with his love.

Day 5 Why Babel Matters Today—On the final leg, we learn from Babel that because God loves us, we also ought to treat others with love and respect, not prejudice and judgment.

Join us as we explore together through Bible lessons, games, crafts, science, and international snacks. Our week ends on Friday with a family worship night and a picnic and pool party at the Park.

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